One of the best things on my agenda is that I'm taking a few days off from work this week to spend time with my Mom who is coming up from North Carolina. I am beyond excited about this as talking to her on the phone is just not the same as being able to spend time with each other in the same room, talking and laughing over every little thing.
I also went out after work Friday night with some of the guys and had a most excellent time. Granted it was short, but it was nice not to be going straight home. Although next time I listen to "Jake" and follow him on a supposed short cut to our destination, I'm going to seriously consider how not short his last short cut turned out to be. The minute I decided to follow him, I just knew I'd made a colossal mistake ... No offense there Jake darling, but you know all of this is true.
Anyhoo, I wrote a very interesting email last night to someone I don't really know but might like to, and I thought I'd share it here since it's been a long time since I've posted anything that might actually be considered funny, or at the least minimally entertaining ...
Dear Mr 80%,
I would have gotten back to you sooner, but I was carried away by a nomadic group of conga line dancers and well, there was no stopping them once they got started ... Actually that's no where near the truth - they weren't actually nomadic. It was however an interesting way to start off an email when simply saying, "Hi. My name is Stacey," was a bit too run of the mill for me ...
So if you're still with me, and not running around your house making sure there's no chance that the rhythm is going to get you, I'll tell you just a bit about myself.
Like you, I put a high value on my friends and family. And considering how long I've known them, it's also a testament to how well I deal with dysfunction. Lord love them, but my family seems to think that any and all gatherings are open mike night at some comedy club, and with three other siblings, my Dad takes full advantage of having a captive audience. Luckily he hasn't yet gotten around to making us pay a cover charge at the door ...
While I do like to go out on the town, I'm more homebody than not. To me, the best way to spend an evening would be deep in conversation, or simply sitting next to each other enjoying a movie, or mocking it beyond all recognition.
I like to have fun. And I like to be around other people who enjoy spending their time laughing, talking, and simply being in the moment. Life shouldn't be treated as one big stress test, when it's true value is finding the things that make you happy, making this world we all share a much better place to call home.
A few other quick facts before I turn this email into a short novel - give or take a few hundred pages - I am a single Mom of one child (10), and work full time professionally. And like you, I agree that any relationship needs to start off with the basic foundation of friendship in order to build and grow. I appreciate a good sense of humor but also know when to turn it off and let my serious side take over. I'm the kind of woman who once committed to something or someone, believes in the value of a true team effort.
I would definitely like to hear more about your wild side or whatever else you'd like to share.
Hope to hear from you.