I watch the geese fly away, press my hands against the cold glass of the window, listening as their echoes drift across the sky and back to me until they're gone; feeling their absence as if I'm the one whose left behind with a handful of wishes that won't come true. And it's always with this sadness I watch them go, taking the warmth of summer days with them on their journey to a home far away from home, wishing they didn't have to leave at all, knowing that they need to go...
And I am reminded of crisp Autumn nights with the smell of snow hovering quietly on the air, the gentle rumblings of bullfrogs hidden in the reeds, crickets in the fields, and the tender sounds of ducks settling down for the night tucked safely away in beds of hay in a doghouse once named for a dog called Ralph.

I couldn't even begin to tell you how many nights I rested my back against the roof of Ralph's House to watch the stars. Or how many times I climbed inside to find comfort in my hiding place. I only know that the thought of it now makes me wish it still existed. Makes me still wish I had somewhere to go... Makes me wish I could fly away.
Hi - nice geese!
Ummm... You call this a comment?
What else would you like me to say? I mean, I am on my phone with you as I am typing...
Something supportive for crying out loud! I'm in the dumps here!
Remember what I said about that song... After you say nice things about me (make them up if you have to) you are to make sure they play that song...
I would have to leave before they play the song... I can't handle it.. even on my meds...
Speaking of that, is it illegal to ask you to share?
There is often a natural sadness that comes with summer fading; fall tries to fool us with its showy glorious display of color, but we know the winter will soon be upon us - cold,gray skies and early nightfall. However, it also allows us time to snuggle down at home, enjoy the fire in the hearth,quiet our minds, relect on the year coming to an end and dream of what the year to come will bring. The geese that fly away return, the earth reawakens and we continue to change with the seasons and the years - it is simply life; all the ups and downs are what make the ride a challenge some times and a fantastic voyage at other times. Hang on - it's a hell of a ride! If you get scared, you can always call YM!!!
Now - who was Ralph????
Ralph's House... The one that used to sit by the pond across from the old green shed where we kept the rabbits, my calf, ducks, etc...
You know the one that was brought over from Cecil's...
I can't believe you don't remember this...
You're not my Mother are you?
Admit it, you're a YM imposter...
: )
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