I draw the line at picking up after my neighbor. Specifically, her garbage which she left sitting out on her side of the house simply because she was too lazy to walk to the front yard and retrieve the garbage receptacle that was still out by the road from this morning's pick-up.
Garbage I might add that would not have been picked up at all had I not woken up at five something this morning to bring it out to the curb... And wasn't I so glad to come home from work - dreadful place really - pull in my driveway and see that it was still there, right where I had left it, waiting for me to return it to its proper place.
Though this doesn't explain the piles of magazines left at my front door. Magazines which weren't for me, weren't anything new, and were obviously part of someones recyclables that somehow, someway, and annoyingly made their way to where they became my problem...
But I have no problem tossing that right back into the recyclable bin and waving them a brief and permanent good-bye. After all, there's no article in Cosmo or Glamour worth reading anyway. Sometimes I wonder how they can sell the same information month after month after month...
Honestly, I guess I just don't get how many different sexual positions for achieving your maximum orgasm while making your guy feel like he's the king of the world, while knowing how to handle your annoying co-workers, mother-in-laws, or ex-best friends articles you have to read before you can consider yourself a bonafide pro...
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