My kitchen is completely off limits. A danger zone without bright blinking yellow lights to warn me off from going in. Which is why I'm hiding out in my living room. Hoping against hope that the more I try to distract myself from thinking about the ice cream that is practically screaming my name right through the freezer door, I'll be able to resist the temptation of that one little spoonful which will surely lead to two if I allow myself just one...
And I've been doing so good. Well enough to say that ice cream hasn't crossed the threshold of my home for over five months until my daughter decided to make a fuss over her right to eat ice cream regardless of the ban I've put on it myself.
I've got to admit, I'm not a big fan of my kid being right. But mostly I'm not a big fan of keeping temptation close at hand when it's far easier to live without having to worry about it at all.

Then again I do have a knack for ignoring my own good advice as long as my friends don't remind me to remember what I'd say to myself if I weren't myself at all. And I do hate it when they're absolutely right...
Damn common sense and self control!
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