White t-shirts, bright blue bras and rain storms don't mix. At least not when you're out and about in public. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that it pretty much ends the shopping trip. Or at least it does for those of us who occasionally remember what the word modesty means... Not that I'm modest much at all. But even I was staring at my wet plastered on t-shirt thinking, "Holy crap! Will you look at that there!"
Needless to say, I only completed two of the four errands I had on my agenda for tonight. Which is quite honestly nothing close to being a big deal since I am a true believer in the theory that what cannot get done today can always be done tomorrow. A theory better known as procrastination. And yes, I am a master of it. A black belt even.
I do have to say that I'm not sure just where to start tonight, well beyond the blue bra mishap that is. It's been so long since I've had the ability (also known as a working Internet connection) and the time (when I'm not spending each and every night trying to obliterate myself at the gym) to sit down (on my newly acquired and might I add cute and getting cuter by the day ass) to write anything (beyond my last will and testament of which there is really nothing to give to anyone at all other than my daughter and my dog, and I think my dog is fairing better than my daughter) that fills you in (on everything I've been meaning to tell you or have been conveniently trying not to mention) going on in my life right now and these past few months when silence has been a sore substitute for the written word.
This might also explain my penchant for run-on sentences... But I digress.
And then I yawn, look over at the clock on my desk and think that I don't have a lot more in me tonight to say much more... I could blame it on having to get up early. Or attribute it to going to the gym. But I think tonight I'll just fess up and tell you I'm just plain worn out down to my toes.
So maybe more tomorrow. If my connection is still connecting that is...
1 comment:
Hey there! I found your blog through a random Google search &
Your awesome honestly made me laugh and I thought that I should leave you a comment and maybe you can check out mine aswell..
Will pop over from time to time..
Keep well!!
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