I'm forcing myself to write something this morning because I haven't felt much like writing at all this week. And I blame the whole time change thing which has set me so off my usual schedule that it's all I can do to keep myself awake after nine. Sad, I know but most unfortunately true...
Of course, on the bright side of the spectrum, I've been awake since six thirty this morning and already I've loaded the dishwasher, picked up KC's endless trail of nonsense in the living room, lit yet some more Partylite candles, fed the cats, and admired the color of the leaves gracing my neighbors lawn in bright reds and golds as snow falls in the smallest of flakes outside.
And I've no doubt that if I were just about twenty-five years younger than I am, I'd be out there right now piling those leaves up high and jumping in. Of course, that's not to say that I wouldn't do it now as I'm known for having more than my share of childish moments. Personally I think this whole growing up thing is way overrated. I mean yes, you can grow up but who among us really wants to? Anyone?

In other news, I get to make lasagna today. I'm almost excited about this but not quite. However in order to honor my family's request, I have taken on the task. Though it should be mentioned that I consider the making of lasagna a big waste of time, possibly because I'm not a big fan of it, and I would rather make something a little bit more complicated and far more delicious... The sensitive pallets of my respective family however has made this a moot point, so lasagna it is. Yay.
But back to this time change thing - which for whatever reason there are still people out there who haven't yet figured out that the whole process of revising time is quite ridiculous really... I'd like to point out a few facts, otherwise known as complaints against it.
We should make it easier to not see a deer on our way home from work. Add on hunting season to that, and it doesn't seem much of a bright idea at all...
I want the sunlight peeping into my bedroom windows encouraging me to do anything I don't already want to do. Waking up being one of those things on any given morning before the hour of nine.
Okay... These two things may be my only complaints although I could have sworn I had more earlier. But honestly can't we just leave well enough alone? I can't be the only one suffering from a confused circadian rhythm. I can't be the only one not still remembering what time it ought to be but isn't...