Another bad day at the office and I'm convinced it might be time to either (a) get off the I can't do it kick and write the novel I always talk about writing or (b) explore career options in other fields because I am (c) burned out and tired of doing what I do when I don't really love what I do at all...
All whining aside however the day started off with a bang, or rather with a thump I should say. Thump being the sound my front bumper made when it hit a metal post which I swear jumped in front of me like it had suicide on its mind. Needless to say I am neither (a) injured (b) thrilled or (c) happy about the new ding on my car. Thankfully however no major damage was done other than the damage to my pride which is pleading the 5th on how it is I managed to ding the damn pole in the first place.

In other news, I read a really great book over the weekend... And no, I'm not going to break it down into a book report for any of you. I will say however that if you're feeling spiritually lost this offers some new insights for getting yourself all pulled back together. And seriously, I'm going back into the book later tonight with an index card so I can write a few thoughts down to keep as reminders.
Eat, Pray, Love by
Elizabeth Gilbert
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