Nocturnal Noises

There's no reason to go to bed tonight. No where to go tomorrow. Nothing but me, and time to tick, tick away until KC comes home from her Dad's. So it's just me and some music on the grand piano in my mind, bringing down these midnight hours...

I wish I had a story to tell tonight. Not that I'm very much awake to begin to tell a tale. With my eyes barely open, I can barely manage tapping in the words in the order they're determined to go. Motivation without direction without the wherewithal to stay awake much longer.

I like that sentence. Maybe we should say it again.

Motivation without direction without the wherewithal to stay awake much longer.

Maybe this is wanting to be a poem tonight... One moment while I invoke my inner Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich, and Louise Gluck... When the sentence wants to become a poem, one can only follow where it demands us go.

We'll start again...

Motivation without direction
without the wherewithal to stay awake much longer. She is easily distracted
and cannot form a thought that doesn't have something to do
with the things she said she wasn't going to
talk about anymore.
The things she said she wasn't going to do.

She shrugs her shoulders, smiles and gives a laugh.
Marks herself down for a point against herself and
decides to go to bed.

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