Dating Shouldn't Be So Hard

Hot and cold doesn't work for me.

Texting alone doesn't work for me.

Trying to get to know a person without seeing them on a somewhat consistent basis doesn't work for me.

But what really doesn't work for me is trying to figure out if the guy in question is truly interested in me or not.

All signs are pointing to no, not really.

He texts, never calls.  Doesn't ask me out unless I've initiated the conversation and even after dropping a "I'd really like to see you soon," text last Saturday, here we are a week later with no plans made.  So I'm thinking I need to start taking all of this at face value.

Anyone - male or female - isn't going to let an opportunity pass to let the object of their interest know that they are indeed interested.  Effort and communication are the trademark of getting to know someone.  I don't need a text pen pal.  I don't want a guy who maybe wants to be in my life or maybe doesn't or maybe is just keeping me on standby while he interviews other candidates.  I want someone who wants to talk to me, see me, do things with me, and at the end of the day count themselves lucky to have met me.

I like this guy, I totally do...  But I love me more.  So for now, I'm not going to try to play mindreader or attempt to analyze what is and what isn't.  I'm going to back off, put myself back out there and see what other options might come along.  Until someone wants to invest in me, I'm not going to invest all my effort in them.  Not saying I won't answer when he sends me a message, I will, but I also won't be waiting around to get that message or waiting on him to ask me out.  I deserve someone who wants to be all in.

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