Temporarily Unemployed-Ish

I kind of assumed my two weeks notice wouldn't be honored and as of this morning it's a done deal that my last day with employer X will be this Friday.  I can totally understand why they're letting me go early considering the transition I'm making to employer Y.  It's just that I haven't dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's with employer Y that has me momentarily panicking.

I'm not a girl who can live without a paycheck... I support two households literally, mine and my college aged daughter.  So I literally need employer Y to jump start my paperwork and get me back on the job as soon as possible without any unnecessary delay.

I know I did make the right decision to make the jump but damn if the jump in itself isn't scary when you're not fully vetted... Not that anything should go wrong but I tend to wait until everything is completely in line before taking a trust fall.

I'm just going to keep breathing... What is meant to be will be.

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