Pop Culture

Oh God it's another Monday and I would rather do almost anything except go to work.

Today we're making cold calls, or as I like to put it, annoying customers in new found ways at a time when we should be putting more of our effort into stock piling supplies for the inevitable spring rush. But the boss isn't having it and so I suppose I'll have to make a few calls while he's in earshot just to keep him off my back and out of my office.

As for the Grammy's last night, I can't say I found anything overly appealing. The performances - while well done - were often too polished to really take my breath away. Which is not even to mention that some of the musical combinations they came up with were nothing short of bizarre. Take for instance Sting and Sean Paul. Do I really need to say more?

And once again, far be it for the Grammy people to leave a little surprise when it comes to announcing the winners. Like last year, performaces and awards went hand in hand, telegraphing the winners long before the envelope was opened. (More of last year's comments.)

Kudos for Coldplay on winning record of the year and dedicating their win to John Kerry, democratic presidentail hopeful, that he will win the election and take over the country. A cheeky little statement that was of course overshadowed by Timberlake's bogus apology (once again) for ripping off Janet's top. Is it me, or does anyone else question how that could have been unintentional? I should probably mention however, that while the bodice ripping was inappropriate for the venue in which it took place, people need to relax. It was -after all - just a breast.

Not so surprising however, is the fact that Janet seems to be taking most of the heat for the incident, despite the fact that is wasn't her hand that did the deed. It is so much easier to blame the woman, isn't it?

But I must rap this up before I'm late for work. Since I'm in charge of yet another baby shower - taking place today - it wouldn't do for me to be arriving late.

Happy Monday y'all.

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