In the Meantime...

Awake again when I should be tucked away in bed, head on the pillow asleep. Resisting as I always am - one thing or another - the momentary urge to rush to the kitchen and make coffee to keep me company. Then again I have cats and I suppose at the moment they are company enough, even though I am quite sure now that the Internet cable outage seems to be due to some cat, her tiny little teeth and her penchant for chewing on cords. The offending feline of course has been put in mandatory time out, unlike a child however it's hard to keep her there and all it takes is one of those sad looks from her round cat eyes and I'm forgiving her just like that...

And now that I've proven yet again that I do need to get out more... I'm going to put you on pause long enough to run to the kitchen and find some sort of beverage (that does not contain even the slightest little bit of caffeine) to partake of.

Mmmmm orange juice and Advil. A thrilling combination to be sure.

But seriously, I do need to finish this off and see myself off to bed rather than keep myself awake any longer in my need to blog and blather on about goodness only knows...

And goodness really does know.

Who knew?

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