
I decided to be mad today. Decided on my way home that I was really angry enough to spit nails. And it's a good thing I have something that occasionally resembles self control because I was tempted to pick up my phone and hand out some severe tongue lashings to more than a few of the people on my list of done me wrong.

And so I'm sitting on my hands. Sitting on them to prevent phone calls, emails, smoke signals... You name it. Because I respect myself more than my lonely little heart would like me to and second best or second rate just doesn't cut it with me. At least, not anymore...

Because I'm not desperate enough to want any man who isn't working his ass off to make sure he's got me. Because I'm worth more than a cheap one night you know what. Because anyone who wants to be in my life has got to show up, on time and in person.

But most of all because I deserve someone who loves me. Just the way I am.

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