I'm counting on my spelling to be halfway decent, as there seems to be a quirk in the system when it comes to spell check. And as much as it annoys me to have no real outlet to complain to the powers of Blogger that be, I guess this is going to have to be one of those times where I just get over it regardless of how I really feel.
At the moment, Lucy is at what has now become her usual place to be whenever I find myself tapping away on my computer. Standing on it, and blocking my screen while attempting to lick, gnaw or chew my fingers seems to beat any chew toy I've tried to throw her way since bringing her home. Most of the time, and after a great deal of effort on my part to get her to cuddle quietly by my side, she settles down for a nap letting me get done whatever work it is I've been trying to do. Nevertheless, here again, I have to admit as to her interruptions, even as constant as they are, I truly don't mind. It's kind of nice to have a writing companion...

On the home front, things have been quietly getting back to something that almost resembles normal. We come home at the end of the day, make dinner, read for a while, play with the puppy, shower the cats with affection when they come downstairs long enough to remind us they still live here, call friends on the phone, have friends over, go to bed, and then wake up, albeit with much hesitation on our parts to physically leave our beds, to begin yet another new day.

Personally, I attribute most of the tiredness, at least on my part, to waking up two to three times a night just to make sure Lucy is, as we say in this house, "Where she needs to be, when she needs to be there."
On that note however, as boring as I know it truly is, I'm going to have to get around to calling it a night. After all, when the pup and the babe are sleeping, one must get some sleep herself...
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