Once Bitten, All Kinds of Time Shy

Pupzilla is starting to drive me crazy.

She bites everything. Anything. And mostly things that are attached to me like toes, fingers, and once when I wasn't paying close enough attention, my nose.

I'm beginning to think that despite the careful consideration KC and I put towards choosing her name, our choice, as it seems we have a knack for choosing, turned out to be the wrong one.

For had we known Lucy was actually the shortened version of Lucifer, we just might have rethought our entire position on owning a dog.

Because honestly. Cuteness only gets you so far.

On that note, I have my big review tomorrow (joy) and need to get myself to bed to ensure I'll be fully functioning at an hour early enough to allow me to make it to work on time. After all, it just wouldn't be good to be tardy tomorrow of all days...

Oh... And for anyone who happens to run into my Mother before, oh let's say midnight, wish her a happy birthday!

Tell her I told you so...

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