Gosh darn freezing rain! I was this close to posting my latest thoughts and ramblings to my blog earlier when suddenly ... "click" ... Someone turned the lights out and hit the rest of the switches while they were at it. So there went my witty little blog entry right down the proverbial toilet. Talk about a pisser ... Now I've got to rethink myself and start from scratch.

SpongeBob SquarePants has been officially put on a time out as of today. At the beginning, SBSP had the novelty of providing humor geared towards adults while sailing clear over the heads of children. That was until yesterday and the infamous episode. The premis of the episode begins when SBSP and his best friend Patrick Starfish develop "sailor's mouth", conveniently voiced by various sea creature sounds to replace the censoring beep, when they say something they shouldn't. While the moral of the story may fix itself by the end of the episode, KC seemed enthralled by this new loophole of getting around the law of the land.

Now to know KC, is to know that she leans toward the dramatic. Which means when given an inch the child tries to take 3 miles. So out of the blue, in the middle of no particular conversation she says, "So Mom, how the {insert various sea creature noise here} are ya?"


And that as they say is the proverbial end of SpongeBob for just a little while.

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