Honey sweetened tea, warm and soothing to a throat that feels like sand paper. Doesn't it figure that now that it's finally beginning to feel like Spring, I am on the threshold of getting ill. And here I was talking trash the other day that I had made it through the entire Winter without so much as a sniffle, sneeze or cough. Evidently, the last laugh is on me ... as well as being at my expense.

Spoke with my Mom earlier ... Surgery is tomorrow and she is very anxious. Well, actually that makes two of us. I am having a major attack of guilt even though my mother told me NOT to come down for the surgery. This is proving to be one of those times when I should have ignored my Mother's edict and just done what I know to be right. At the time I saw her point to wait until she was out of the hospital, when I could be of the most use. Of course, that doesn't make me feel any better about being here when I should be there ...

Which currently marks me as the resident bitch at work for the past 2 days. My give a shit factor is at an all time low and my patience is virtually nonexistant. I can't imagine how much worse I will be tomorrow while I anxiously await the call from my stepfather telling me that my Mom's surgery went well and she is resting comfortably in the recovery room.

Guess I better have a little chat with our PITA receptionist, to make sure she knows the drill. I just hate it when I actually need to speak with her though. She makes a mountain out of every little molehill. ( I do not have the patience to deal with this!) There is absolutely no reason why anything should take over 2 minutes to be explained and understood. This woman however thinks that everything is the equivalent to launching a damn rocket. It doesn't help that she stills holds a grudge against me for my comment during her last panic attack ... Evidently she didn't care for being reminded how to "BREATHE".

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