How to Mess With a Person's Mind 101

When drunk people do stupid things, heed my advice. What they don't know or can't remember is your free ticket to the perfect revenge. Neither one of the 2 morons remember anything about the conversation from Saturday night, which includes the fact that the only one they spoke with was the answering machine. So of course, now they are worrying about what it is they might have said. Who can blame me if I don't tell them the exact truth? So of course, I played it off as if they had said something far beyond the lines of propriety. I figure I've got a few good days of making them sweat it out before letting them off the hook. But until then, I'm going to enjoy making them squirm while dropping hints at some of the really vulgar things they said. It doesn't pay to play.

Work was a disappointing waste of 8 hours today. This morning, we all received instruction on the evils of sexual harrassment. I was quite let down by the fact that according to a national survey, only a measly 5% of women sexually harass men. Considering this is the 2000's, I thought we would be much better represented by now. Evidently we still got a long way to go. But in all seriousness, I do realize that "SH" is nothing to joke about, especially considering the fact that I work in a completely male dominated environment. It's a more of a been there done that issue. I guess our company just decided it was time to cover their ass on it before they get caught with their pants down.

The rest of my day was spent dealing with customers, some nice and some complete idiots. One idiot is particular got me completely hot under the collar. The man assualted a verbal attack before I had even said, "Hi this is Stacey ..." and continued to rant for a good 2 minutes before finally coming up for air. I don't take being yelled at very well at all, so once he started blustering I mostly tuned him out throwing in the occasional sound of sympathy as if I cared about his plight.

In reality I could have cared less, his attitude from the get go made sure of that. Now had he approached me with a little bit more honey rather than vinegar, we would have had a completely different story on our hand ... But this man wasn't exactly Einstein in the field of public relations. Long story short, I fixed his problem and even managing to get him 2 freebies out of the deal. Did we expect a little gratitude ... Yes ... Did we get any ... No. I hope he stubs his big toe on something hard tonight and I hope it hurts.

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