I'm thinking about taking my counter down, though it's not because I don't want to know how few hits I actually get to this page. Actually, it's because the random hits to this page make me sick to my stomach.

There are some real sickos out there trolling about the web. The kind of people who input rape and domination fantasies into their browsers hoping to get a fix off the net. It's disgusting.

But even more disgusting, is one of yesterdays hits hoping to find more of the same above, but this time with children. There are no words I can even begin to say that could possibly define my opinion of people like this. Violence against women is monstrous enough, violence against children, the very personification of evil.

I know I've said it before. Wanting to change this sites name because of such random hits and the keyword: "NAKED" ranking among the top reasons why people accidentally trip over this site.

But everytime something like this happens, I remember why I wanted to name NWTLO like I did, because when I am here, writing away, that is what I am. My thoughts, my ideas and my beliefs naked to a world that can stop and read a while or pass me by without so much of a glance.

It is, in one word, a conundrum.

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