I'm trying to write, but I'm thinking about everyone else. Trying to place my commas in the appropriate spots, trying to find the words that fit, trying to make sense when all I want to do is go to sleep.

I have to blog. I have to have an entry. I have to make you feel something. I don't care if you laugh or if you cry, as long as you feel something.

But I've got nothing. I keep backspacing myself, deleting myself, silencing words before they're even spoken.


I'm not supposed to do that. I'm just supposed to write, to let the thoughts come to me one by one, or in a rush. But I can't let go, can't relax. I want this to be something special.

But it's not.

It's just a story of why I can't write anything profound. A way to blame the editor in my head for my lack of originality.

A way to post without having to think too hard.

"My thought are like waffles - the first few don't look too good." ~ Marilyn von Savant, in Parade (1992)

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