Ugh. I should be a whole lot more motivated than I am at this moment, but I'd rather just sit here and ignore the ticking of the clock. It's like a mosquito in my ear, pronouncing that it's almost time to get to work.

Buzz, buzz, buzz ...

Work. A place I really do not want to go today. Attitudes yesterday were flying and I was so not in the mood to put up with any of them, least of all my own. Yet today, I get to go back for more.

Oh happy, oh joy.

Someday when I win the lottery, I am going to be so out of there, sending my notice in via postcard from Tahiti, crossing out the wish you were here part and changing it to don't bother waiting for me to come back.

That would be nice. Sipping ice cold beverages on sandy beaches with a well built, handsome cabana boy to wait on me hand and foot.

A girl has got to have dreams to survive out there in the real world. It's the only way I get through each day ...

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