Just got back from signing KC up for dance class. I fear what harm those feet will do ...

I should have been a dance instructor, it's clear from the tuition fees, those people make oodles of cash from parents willing to pay the money to turn their girls into prissy prima donnas.

I'm guessing it's become apparent that the whole dance class thing wasn't my idea. I was more inclined to sign the girl up for karate and teach her a little kung fu kick ass. A skill that could come in useful, rather than its toe point, pretty frills opposite.

I mean, how often do you ever hear a story about some ballet dancer saving the day ... Uh, never ...

But if ballet is what she really wants, I am willing to concede. Concede to the fact, that my daughter isn't as much of a tomboy as I always hoped she'd be. Where, oh where, did I go wrong?

Something to think about much later, since now I am off to market.

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