The minor child is in some seriously HOT water. Today marked the second time this school year that KC brought the dreaded letter home from the teacher. I am beginning to fear anything in a white envelope addressed to Ms. LikeI'mGoingTo AdvertiseMyLastNameOnHere, because quite frankly, there's not even the smallest hint of, "Hey, we just wanted to let you know what a wonderful job you are doing raising such a well mannered, intelligent and well adjusted child. Thanks for choosing our school ..."

Instead in a very terse script, this is what I get ...

KC is often disruptive in class, often forgetting to use her inside voice or wait to to be called on to speak. Please have a talk with her about her behavior, as I cannot be bothered to do my job and show a little patience, even though I am a first grade teacher dealing with 7 year olds and one should expect a little understanding. Sorry I didn't retire years ago after having taught you in first grade, I just never expected you would procreate or stay long enough in the area where it would come back to haunt me. Please turn on your psychic vibes so I won't have to bother waiting a couple of months more before making you aware of the situation.
Hugs and Kisses,
Your Child's First Grade Teacher

Yeah, I can already tell the Parent/Teacher conference is going to go real well tomorrow. Actually, now that I have vented a little it may go better. My major gripe with the situation is, that the teacher instead of contacting me in a REASONABLE amount of time after the frowned upon behavior began, chose to WAIT over 2 MONTHS!

Now I am well aware that KC's social graces are a little lax from time to time and sometimes she does need to be reminded of them but, and this is the "BIG BUT" ... If I don't know there is a problem, how can I even begin to fix it? Inquiring minds want to know!

Until that time however, KC is grounded until she's 30.

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