Top 5 Things That Drive Me Completely Insane

5. People who don't not use their directionals when driving.
4. People who listen to your entire answering machine message but hang up before leaving a message of their own.
3. Anyone who calls me "Stace" more than 4 times in a row. (It's just grating!)
2. People who spend their entire life having a "bad day".
1. Helping KC learn to spell words correctly since her grade school is stuck on the phonics worked for me program. ARGH!

What moron came up with the idea to let children spell a word by sound alone rather than teaching them the correct way right from the get go? For example ...

"Good job Johnny ... You spelled that word just like it sounds!", said the teacher. Skip down the road one month later. "Geez Johnny, I know it sounds like it should be spelled like that, but in reality, it's really spelled like this ..."

Makes sense to me. Heck yeah ... Let's make them learn it the wrong way first and then when it becomes ingrained into their young impressionable minds, let's finally teach them the right way ... (Insert evil laugh here.)

Top 5 Things That Make Me Smile

5. Balloons
4. Ducks and/or geese. (Long complicated story here.)
3. Catching people singing in their car.
2. KC's Sarah Bernhardt impressions.
1. Going to bed.

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