Squiggy has struck once again! That nippy little bastard has taken a bite out of one of the smallest fish in the tank, leaving just a wisp of back fin to speak of. Meanwhile, the poor little amputee has regulated herself to a back corner where she can hide behind the air bubbler for protection. Squiggy in my opinion, is just an overgrown bully in his little water world, in serious need of a time out. However, I think the only solution for now will be to quarantine the little fish until she either grows bigger or expires from her injuries. Either way, it will be better than leaving her in there for bait.

Work was rather bland today. Nothing newsworthy to report. I did manage to spend a few hours attempting to train today but between Linda not feeling good and call after call coming in, there wasn't a lot she could show me in detail. Maybe tomorrow will have better results.

I spent the last half hour or so trying to locate topic specific books on Barnes and Nobles website and have come away irritated beyond all reason! First off, the annoying little popups really started to aggravate me, followed by the error message that no titles were found matching my selection, and then finally when I do find something that may actually be what I am looking for ... There are absolutely no helpful tools to ascertain its credibility to my cause! Not one excerpt, synopsis or review to be found anywhere! I knew I should have just popped over to Amazon.com right from the get go. Argh!!

Amy is currently IM'ing me ... Oh what is this ... an official apology??

amybea: Hi ... Just wanted to let you know that sometimes I may push my luck in insults, but it's all in fun, nothing personal, I apologize if I hurt your feelings the other day what can I say ... I'm just a jerk sometines.
Stay247: I'm sorry I missed that last IM ... Can you send it again??
amybea: huh?
Stay247: Your last IM didn't come through ... Can you send it again??
amybea: just a jerk
amybea: jerk
Stay247: One more time for the hard of hearing ...
(I can't in good faith post her last reply for the fear of damaging delicate sensibilities.)
Damn ... I just love it when people don't recognize sarcasm ... But let this be a lesson people, SILENCE works best when you just walk away and let the guilt begin to fester. Mhua ha ha ha ...

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