Today's ad promotes psychic love readings, woo hoo, I always wanted to be omnipotent. Let me give this a try here.

In love? Expect major disappointment in the near future.
Single? Get used to it, there are no single men in your future.
Approaching 30 and still unmarried? Look forward to getting another cat soon.

KC and I spent most of the night finishing up her "lost in Space" project. We made a really neat astronaut helmut from a deflated kick ball, neon paints and some bedazzler buttons. For extra credit, Mom came to the rescue and stitched together a really cool back pack from a promotional gift I got from work. A foam foil building insulation that already looked pretty techi to start with and worked in perfectly for the project.

Yet another interesting dream last night ... It started off real enough at first, I was at my mother's house sitting down by the edge of the lake with KC, just playing in the shallows. Suddenly the sky overhead begins to darken and the lake has turned into this horrible churning mess of ocean waves, crashing like thunder against the rocks. The tide pools begin to swell and the water is cresting higher and higher. I pull KC close to me and begin swimming towards the shore but it is slow going. Like giant hands, the waves begin pulling KC from my grasp. Momentarily I turn towards shore, knowing without a doubt that alone I can make it to safety. But I cannot leave KC, knowing that if I do, she has no chance at all on her own. Struggling against the waves, I swim towards KC reaching her just before she is pulled out into the darkness of the sea.

Linda at work, says the dream represents the constant demand of parenthood battling the need to maintain my own identity. A neat theory and a pretty damn good synopsis when you consider it. If I had more time tonight, I am sure I could really get on a whole theoretical tangent ... However, it's past my bedtime. Nighty nights.

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