Almost a big oops on my part tonight... Almost lost the whole damn blog and I'm feeling more than a might pissy over the whole damn thing!
And I suppose that this is exactly what I get for being an ultra overprotective Mama... I try to make the world just that much safer for my offspring, and BAM, I manage to make it look like my eleven year old has been posting my blog for the past 4 years...
Not to worry... I sent the good people at Blogger a little love note, and I'm sure that someway, somehow, they will find a way to help me correct this grievous error...
Hell, I'll even admit that I'm a complete idiot if that's what it takes to get the wonderful support staff at blogger to un-botch my mistake... (And yes, I am laying it on thick here.)
So here goes... Cause you know I've no problem admitting this freely...
There are moments when I can be an absolute moron.
And I suppose that this is exactly what I get for being an ultra overprotective Mama... I try to make the world just that much safer for my offspring, and BAM, I manage to make it look like my eleven year old has been posting my blog for the past 4 years...
Not to worry... I sent the good people at Blogger a little love note, and I'm sure that someway, somehow, they will find a way to help me correct this grievous error...
Hell, I'll even admit that I'm a complete idiot if that's what it takes to get the wonderful support staff at blogger to un-botch my mistake... (And yes, I am laying it on thick here.)
So here goes... Cause you know I've no problem admitting this freely...
There are moments when I can be an absolute moron.
Personally, I think it's a conspiracy (see comments for 7/24!)
I just tried posting on Tuesdays entry and it wouldn't take so hopefully this one will. I'm still here..and my name is Nancy and I am still reading your entries daily:) How weird that YM's posting were coming out with the name Nancy! Anyway, I am glad you survived road rage central. Living close to Boston I see this daily :( Sorry for lack of comments but your entries do not go unread:) Hope all is well.
Here it is however many days later after I complain about no one leaving comments and it turns out that I'm just as bad...
Thanks for letting me know you're all still there...
As for the Nancy conspiracy theory, I just happen to think people with the name Nancy must be blessed with good taste... Especially in the reading department...
Happy Sunday!
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