Octavia demands attention from her strategical post next to my computer, flopping around like a fish until she falls clear off the side of my small antique desk, landing of course, as all cats do, on her feet.
Meanwhile I can't help but wonder how KC is faring at camp. These past two nights the skies have unleashed an ocean of rain upon us. You don't think much about it when you're inside, a storm is just a storm, and yet outside with nothing more than a tent for protection, a storm becomes something quite scary altogether.
Even my Dad got into the worried wart act, calling earlier to see if KC had checked in with a status report of her first night away from home. Considering the cell phone ban at camp, I gently reminded him that we're pretty much clueless until Friday pick up time. Thankfully - and no thanks to my Dad - I'll be able to find my way back to get her.
Considering my horrid sense of direction, I asked Dad to to go along for the ride yesterday as my co-captain of navigation. However when Dad suggested a direction not in accordance with the directions I'd (thankfully) written down from an earlier search of Google Maps, I opted to ignore him (which was really quite reminiscent of my more formative years from about 14 to 21) turned the car around and got us back on the right track while he sat quite smugly on his side of the car, waiting for an I told you you're going the wrong way so moment.
(It turns out Dad was a bit confused on the actual destination of where we were (key word here is were) going, directing us instead to Watertown... I'll give my Dad a little bit of credit here as he would have been right on how to get Watertown, had that been our actual destination. Dad was later stripped of his co-captain capacity...)

I did however learn an important lesson for future direction taking down... North, South, East and West aren't just arrows on a compass... (And like, who knew?)
Evidently I need to remember to write more down that just the route number... Imagine the fun time I had when I got to the route I needed and was given two options to choose from. (TWO!)
A little eeny, a little miney, and a wee bit of moe later it turns out my guess was right and North was (heck, I'm still shocked I guessed right) the way to go, proving once again that even though I'm sometimes at a loss for common sense, my luck hasn't completely run out... (I should also give a shout out of thanks to the kind police officer who didn't pull me over for speeding when he so could have... What can I say, I speed when I'm nervous...)
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