Dreaming In Riddles

It seems I've been on another unintentional blog break again. All I've been able to do is sit and stare at this blank screen and wonder to myself what it is I should be writing about ... Hence the silence.

I did however have an odd sort of dream last night of which I will post more in detail later when time allows. But for now, the very center of the dream and in fact the word that was on my tongue when I woke up was this ...


Main Entry: mi·o·sis
Pronunciation: mI-'O-s&s, mE-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mi·o·ses /-"sEz/
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek myein to be closed (of the eyes) + New Latin -osis
Date: 1819
: excessive smallness or contraction of the pupil of the eye

My subconscious evidently thinks I'm walking around blind.


Orbling said...

Always advisable to keep your eyes peeled in this world, too many pot holes to fall down if you go blind.

Though you do get to walk around with a stick.

KC said...

At least there's an upside ...


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