Not Just Another Morning

I did manage a bit of sleep last night, amidst all the giggles and the sound of a Disney movie playing in KC's room until about one in the morning when I got up from my bed, crossed the hall and gently insisted that it was time for everyone to get a little shut eye. Thankfully, the girls managed to sleep in past eight o'clock this morning which blissfully allowed me to stay in dreamland far longer than I had thought possible. And though it wasn't a Sunday morning, I treated the girls to pancakes and orange juice rather than a staple bowl of cold cereal and milk.

They are now outside playing with the caterpillars they found yesterday on the front steps of our porch. Caterpillars which I'm going to have to release back into the wild, just as soon as the girls go off on another adventure and aren't able to see me letting them go. For now, they are happily using an empty hanging basket to create a dream home for their small furry friends. It is filled with grass shavings, broken twigs, small rocks, a bit of dirt and spent flower blooms of assorted colors collected from both my planters and my two closet neighbors.

Meanwhile I watch from my spot by the window, enjoying the nice cool breeze softly blowing inside while Octavia sits in the chair across from me eyeballing the fish and occasionally requiring admonishment to "Get off the fish tank!" when she jumps up and on in her attempts to conquer.

Had I not so much love for my tiny terror, her keen knack for getting into all sorts of mischief would make the rational side of me think of finding her a new home. As it is, I love her beyond all sense and reason to do such a thing. And lucky for her it is too, as this morning she's been a right bit of trouble jumping on the fish tank, playing like a Garfield stick on on my front door screen in her attempts to monitor the girls and knocking down the entire bird cage down from its perch when KC accidentally left her bedroom door open. Yes ... It's a good thing I love her, else wise I'd be selling her on Ebay.


Orbling said...

1am? That's good going, when I was young our sleepovers frequently meant all-nighters. I remember getting crucified once for playing a Guns & Roses CD very loudly at 5am in the morning during such an event. It wasn't a particularly common occurrence for some reason. ;)

Poor caterpillars, though I thought your misspelling was quite amusing: "my two closet neighbors". [Sorry :$]

Cats have a way of niggling into one's affections, they can be a pain, but they are a cute and loving pain, that's difficult to dislike for long periods. :)

KC said...

Woops ... I really did mean closest and not closet. Thanks for picking up on the typo ...


Cats are lucky creatures. Mine have the life. Sleep all day, spoiled all night.

Why can't I see you as a G&R fan? I rather liked Skid Row and Sebastian Bach much better ... Back in the day that is.

Orbling said...

They could be closest and closet too. :)

Cats are very lucky creatures in that regard, I watched too cat movies today - Duma (like Fly Away Home, but about a Cheetah), and The Cat Returns (peculiar, but good, Japanese anime about a kingdom of cats and a girl that gets sucked into their world. Good stuff.

I like *many* genres of music, equally at home with heavy rock as I am with folk or classic. Does surprise some people that I have a ton of Elizabethan folk CDs next to all of Metallica's output. Then again, I'm listening to The Monkeys at the moment. :)

KC said...

Monkies huh?

I used to have mad crush on Davy ... Although I'm happy to report I'm over that now.

Considering my penchant for a wide range of music, I guess I shouldn't be surprised about yours ...

Orbling said...

True. Music is far too beautiful to restrict oneself down to a tiny part of it. :)

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