End of an Evening

Just like I knew it would, these four days have flown by as if they couldn't have gone any faster. And it's all I can do to keep myself from crying at the thought of her departure tomorrow morning for home. I am a sad girl, and an even sadder daughter.

If only she didn't have to live so far away. If only she didn't have to leave so soon ...


Orbling said...

I've never understood how people cope so far from their family. All my life we've always had Family Sunday, where my mum's parents (now just my nan) join us, sometimes with my aunt's family for tea.

It's occasionally annoying that Sunday is perpetually booked. But that is far from overridden by the pleasure of having your family together regularly for a good chat and some quality time.

The world shrinks everyday, perhaps you'll get to see her more and more in the years to come. Always keep hope.

Either that or hope for longer holidays, or a time when one of you doesn't have a job and is thus a lady of leisure. :)

Coyote Girl said...

I hope it's me that's the lady of leisure so I can spend my days being a bigger part of my children's and grandchildren's lives...If wishes were horses...till then, let's all make every minute count.

KC said...

I miss those times when the family would be all together for a big celebration or just a simple meal ... It seem with each passing year, there are fewer and fewer of those moments.

Oh well, I suppose for those of us separated by distance, vacations can come in handy.

Mom ... Let me know how we fare on that lottery ticket. Consider my fingers crossed.

Orbling said...

...and mine.

Opportunities always arise over time, trick is to spot them and know your priorities every second.

The majority of world seems to find it a tricky thing deciding and getting what they want from life, knowing what's important.

To me it was always fairly plain to see.

KC said...

You've got the right of it ... No doubt about it.

One must always strive to remember that stopping to smell the roses is just as important as admiring their beauty from afar.

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