Yoda, yoda, yoda ...

Would that something interesting happened around here, besides pulling my hair out at work and coming home to clean the house from top to bottom in preparation for my Mother's impending arrival this Saturday morning, I'd be blogging up a storm.

As it is I'm still trying to understand why anyone would spend two months sleeping on a sidewalk to see a movie. Not that I'm knocking Star Wars or anything, but come on, it's a movie for goodness sake. Let's put things in perspective ... Comfy, warm bed versus not so comfy cold, hard sidewalk to see a movie that will eventually be released on DVD.

We really need to decide these things?

Granted I will admit that the light saber toys are pretty neat looking and I wouldn't mind going all Jedi on a few people while using the force to my advantage in a Luke, I am not your father routine.

Oh well, time to fire up the hover craft and float my tired behind upstairs.


Orbling said...

Well I did manage to see it on day of release.

Personally, I could easily have waited - but my mates could not, and had booked Thursday and Friday off to see it multiple times in succession.

If you like that sort of thing, which I do, then it is actually very good - but not camping out on the sidewalk style. Perhaps if it was the only screening ever...

The nearest I got to such an act of sacrifice to see it was desperately holding out against the forces of nature throughout the film - resulting in me having to climb and leap over the barrier the nanosecond that the credits started. :$

KC said...

Okay ... Maybe I'm being a bit hard on the Star Wars fans. I do after all have fond memories of the originals and my unrequited love for Luke Skywalker.

And I guess I should be more understanding considering my penchant for waiting outside the doors of Barnes and Nobles when one of my must reads hits the shelves on its release date.

Don't even try to get it my way then, I will knock you down.


Orbling said...

No, I don't think you're being all that hard on them.

It's all very well loving something a great deal, but rational perspective and behaviour should never desert a person that completely.

Have you ever seen that comedy video with the dog insulting all the starwards nerds? Think the presenter hit a few nails on the head.

As long it's not book signings...

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