Getting Ready ...

So many things I should be doing ...

1. Cleaning both upstairs bedrooms.
2. Mopping the upstairs bathroom.
3. Changing the litter in the catbox, hamster cage, bird cage ...
4. Supervising dinner prep (rather than waiting for the sign of smoke to send me signals that it may be done.)
5. Run folded laundry upstairs and put it away in (gasp) drawers!
6. Vacuum the entire house.
7. Put the clean dishes away.
8. Polish the sink. (I read somewhere that the key to a clean house is a clean sink.)
9. Brush the cats.
10. Mop kitchen.
11. Clean the dreaded closet ... (I meant to do this last week and decided that my time would be much better spent doing anything but.)
12. Dust, polish, shine, sweep, vacuum, mop anything and everything cause Mom's coming for a visit!

Who has time to blog? I've got an entire house to whip into order!

Sigh ... Where's a "Merry Maid" when I need one?

Hmmmmm ... Odd, isn't it?


KC said...

Never let it be said that I can't be bought ... Or in this case, that I can't welcome a bribe when I see one.

You're on ...

Orbling said...

If smoke signals were good enough for people in the past, they must be good enough now.

Though in my house such signals would quickly trigger loud beeping sirens. So I've found it easier to set the timer on the stove... ;)

This reads like a torture list to me, much like reading a schedule of what homework you've got to do during school days. Though I've already done most of those in my nan's house today.

I reckon the only reason a clean sink would imply a clean house, is because only the most ardent clean freaks would polish their sink regularly - and thus would always have a clean house.

Standing clutter out to pasture? Hmm, if we had less rain I'd consider this - though I'd probably actually need a full pasture field for that.

Be sure to add "13. Rest, relax, enjoy myself." :)

KC said...

Resting and relaxing as we speak. The house is quiet, KC is safely tucked in for the night and I'm in full chill out mode ... At least for the next few minutes.

Orbling said...

Minutes should be days, weeks - resting requires prolonged periods from time to time.

We'll have to get you that spinning wheel, with a sharp needle...

Coyote Girl said...

Just a thought - read somewhere that the average kitchen sink harbors more bacteria than the toilet...scary thought. By the way, I don't expect perfection - just a modicum of order. What I really want to see is you and KC (and of course, Bren)!

KC said...

Welcome and thanks for the compliment ... And of course, we always welcome sage advice in the realm of child rearing.


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