You've been craving pizza for weeks. You order your pizza with the best pizza place in town. Medium. One half only cheese (for the kid) and the other half green peppers and mushrooms. You drive the fifteen minutes back home. You open the box. And you stand there in your kitchen with the "I can't believe it's not butter" look on your face, as you slap your forehead in vain. "Hot peppers!" you exclaim loudly, "I said green peppers!"
I usually blame myself, as it normally means I've not waited long enough for something to cool down...
Hot peppers are great on pizza anyhow, though admittedly that would be quite annoying.
Impressed that it was meatless. :)
I would have been more impressed had the pizza place made it correctly ... Especially since it takes forever to convince KC to actually want pizza for dinner. (She's not a big fan, which means we don't have it often.)
Oh well, I guess I just need to learn to live with these small disappointments ...
I worked in a pizza shop for 3-1/2 years while in high school and it's amazingly easy not to mess up. Well, just as long as you listen to people when they're talking to you and write it down correctly.
I think next time I place an order, I'll just get cheese. Of course with my luck, they'll probably make mine without.
Hmm, unchopped basil is quite normal on italian style pizzas here, not the american stuff at all though...
It's nice. :)
When I used to have pizzas I normally had jalapenos, sweet peppers, onions and sweetcorn...
Ah, was it dried?? I've only had unchopped basil fresh, if it's dry it's chopped to almost a powder...
Fresh it should be a soft and non-crunchy leaf, Basil is a member of the mint family.
Basil can be a wonderful, wonderful thing ... Although I like it better chopped and "hidden" rather than proclaiming its leafy goodness in full form on my pizzas.
As for sweet corn on pizza, isn't there laws about that?
Corn on the cob = yummy.
Corn of the cob = slightly less yummy.
Corn on pizza = makes me nauseous.
There's something not quite right about that ... At least not for me. But then again, I'm a pizza purist and refuse to believe that any sort of vegetable besides those that are "normal and indigenous" to pizzas belong there. I'm talking to you too pineapple and broccoli ... You've been crossing the line!
As a New Yorker, though not a City New Yorker, I'm going to have to proclaim - and LOUDLY here - that as far as I'm concerned, the only place for REALLY good pizza is in New York. Being a small town Italian girl living in an Italian dominated community tends to make me a little cocky about the whole thing ...
hi friend. sorry i've been not around... lots going on.
as for ordering out.. i never seem to get what i order either!
so how was the mushroom and cheese pizza? hee hee hee
be well. happy mom's day tomorrow. inky
Well I always have basil in my pizza sauce, thoroughly chopped, just occasionally it might creep up to a leafy style if going for a very authentic style.
Sweetcorn is alright on pizzas, not brill, but ok. Pineapple is quite pleasent, in the past I quite enjoyed the Hawaian (pineapple & ham). But never broccoli, not on pizza, or off.
I never quite got used to pizza without meat, when I stopped with the meat I lost a lot of my interest in pizza and just had mixed cheeses, but then I stopped cheese as well and now pizza is a rarity at best.
Not sure whether the New York style, or the proper Italian styles are best, depends what mood I'm in. New York has made vast contributions in the area of breads, but apart from that "american food" and "junk food" are used pretty much interchangably round here. ;)
oh me gods! that picture looks yummy!!!!
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