That my friends was a very short intermission and a wonderful performance by COLDPLAY. Now that is what I like to see, an artist really getting into his song and sounding good while he's doing it. Another commercial break and I'm starting to figure out that this award show is going to be an all night sort of deal. I'm probably going to stick it out right up to the end but only for one small reason ... I heard rumor that Tori was supposed to make an appearance although the beginning credits have led me to believe that most likely that will not be the case.

Very sad indeed, considering the amount of talent TORI AMOS has in comparison with half of these morons taking the stage tonight. Alright so I am a little bias but it really torches me that she doesn't get the appreciation she deserves. If it were up to me, and sometimes I swear it should be, Tori would be lining her shelves with every Grammy award I could give her. Oh well, play on playa.

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