Today was an extremely sad day in the world of make believe. Best known for his zippered cardigan, tennis sneakers and his own personal theme song, the passing of Mr. Rogers brings a close to the era of the friendly neighbor next door. Somehow a world without him just won't seem the same.

Emma is sitting on top of the computer tonight, her favorite place as of late. But it beats her old favorite spot which was exactly in front of the monitor. She was completely insane trying to catch the mouse as I navigated my way around the web, which of course made the navigating all the more difficult.

There is absolutely nothing to report today. It was dull times a hundred. I did pull a sweet maneuver today and managed to get an invite to dinner over at Dad's house. I thought I had planned it pretty well, until learning the menu was meatloaf stuffed with spinach. Ugh ... I should have just cooked myself. Oh well, at least there was no messy clean up.

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