You know I just hate it when I get distracted and forget that I am in the middle of cooking dinner! By the time I remembered tonight, dinner was already a hopelessly charred mess stuck to the bottom of the pan. Darn, darn and double darn!

However, it's so not my fault! I blame Emma! The darn cat took forever before getting around to letting me know that the kitchen was two seconds away from being a complete inferno. Normally she meows like a screaming banshee after the first sign of smoke, but evidently she decided to take the night off. Hence a main course of PBJ and not the broccoli rice stir fry originally planned.

I spent half my day at work today trying to find one single solitary person who posessed an intimate knowledge of the world of goldfish. Much to my surprise, not one person there could answer my question of what exactly happened to Squiggy while I was away last week. Well, not from a scientific standpoint anyway, however bets were high that my sister pulled the old switcheroo trick.

Which means that Squiggy isn't really Squiggy at all but an imposter, and not a very convincing one at that. Let's recap ... Before Atlanta, Squiggy was white and orange ... After Atlanta, Squiggy is completely white. No! I am not renaming him Michael Jackson, as someone earlier mentioned I should do ... That is SO not even right. I'm thinking LaVerne ... Hmmm ... Can we see a theme here? Other than that work was rather dull today. I did a couple of cold calls but limited myself to 8 as I didn't want to overtax myself. Heh heh heh ... Life is truly going to suck when all this snow melts and the switch goes on ...

KC is at her father's tonight, so I am on a 2 day reprieve until Friday when she will be hosting her very first sleepover. Something tells me I am in for a very rude awakening. Oh well, I just need to get my ducks in order and come up with plenty of activities to occupy them long enough until they can't help but let sleep take over or their parents arrive to pick them up. Maybe I should think about taking off Monday ... After all, any excuse will do.

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