Another rainy Saturday morning. So much for seeing the sun this weekend. Oh well, in a way I suppose it's a good thing, since it will keep me to the task of getting KC's room clean today. A job which requires that she not be home for the weekend. That way I can actually get rid of something, without her running to the rescue, to save every toy she hasn't played with in over 3 years.

I've already been very productive this morning. Throwing in a load of wash, as well as running the dishwasher. My next plan of attack is to vacuum, but I need to wait a little bit longer, so as not to make too much noise before all my neighbors are awake for the day. I also need to make a list of things I need to get at the grocery, although I have noticed that the last few times I made my list, I either forgot it in my car or never even bothered to look at it. And of course, halfway back home, I realized I had forgotten something. Lord help a girl who loves to list, but never accomplishes her goals. You should see me at New Year's ...

Well, I'm bound to blog more later after my adventures in town. A good day to all.

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