(Home sweet silent home.)

I need a favor and you are exactly the person who can help me out. Yes, I'm speaking to you. Don't bother trying to find someone else, in whatever room you're in. I'm looking at you and it's your help I'm looking for. Well, now that we've got that out of the way ...

Now that my feet are officially wet in the blogging pool, I'd really like to personalize my small bit of space with something that is a little more Stacey and a lot less premanufactured by someone else's wonderful, but used by everyone blogskin. I know exactly what it is that I want but it's the getting it, that is giving me problems. You see people, I have absolutely no knowledge when it comes to HTML code and all the other computer jazz you need to know in order to be completely original. This is where you come in ...

Since you're here, I have a strong suspicion that you too, are a blogger in your own right. It's for that very reason, that I'm coming to you for guidance. If you have any suggestions and/or reference books you would care to recommend on how a computer illiterate girl can learn HTML code and create a dazzling new skin, reflecting her true inner nature, please (and YES I AM BEGGING) email me at Stay247@aol.com. Let me be your good deed of the day ... Did I mention I am begging or is it obvious?

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