Never again. Not in a million hundred thousand years. Not for all the money in the world. Not for taking tea with the Queen of England herself. Never, never, never, again! KC's second sleepover, has quite made up my mind, that I will NEVER subject myself to this sort of self-induced torture again. May I step on a thousand pins and needles, if the thought even comes close to being considered in my mind.

What went wrong would be better served by asking what hasn't gone wrong. From the moment the car door closed to make the short 5 minute journey back to our home, the gloves came off and the two girls have been going rounds ever since. And here I had been so foolishly naive to think that they were friends. It's been she did that, she said this, she pinched me, she kicked me and I want to go home, since 6:00 last night. Of course, when one takes into account, that it was I, and not the girls, who shouted in the middle of my own living room, that I wanted to go home, it seemed a little bit odd, even to me. However, it provided just enough amusement for the girls to cool their jets off, if only for a brief few minutes, before it all started again.

Enter girl number three, from apartment number four, who at the same age as the other participants to this story, was invited by my daughter (prior to asking me) to spend the night as well. My mouth moved to say no, though the words that came out were anything but. "Sure." I said, "The more the merrier." Plastering a giant, I can't believe I actually just said that smile on my face, I welcomed the little girl into my home. As if I could say no, when she had looked at me as if all her hopes and dreams, were wrapped up with the excitement of spending the night sleeping on the floor of my domicile in KC's room. I might have wished myself a happy birthday, since it seemed sure, that if there really was a sucker born every minute, it most definitely was me that moment.

The night wasn't a total loss however, as I did at least, manage to score the phone number of a single, eligible male, in my immediate vicinity. Although in hindsight, since it was intended as a precautionary tool, in the case his daughter wanted to return home at 2 in the morning, I suppose it shouldn't be counted as a positive thing. It wasn't like, here's my phone number, call me sometime and we'll do lunch, but more like, you're loonier than I thought, taking on three 7 year old girls by yourself, good luck, don't call me unless you absolutely have to.

Speaking of said male, he just knocked on my door, in search of his daughter. (One down, one to go.) I'm so glad I already took a shower this morning, although not so glad that I answered my door in my favorite pink princess pajama pants and with no make-up on! Well, there goes my reputation ...

We've got movie plans for this afternoon, so I suppose I should motivate myself for a public outing. Toodles all, I hope your day progresses much better than mine has started.

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