I feel so out of blog. Out of thoughts and out of steam. Funny, you'd think a vacation would have the opposite affect. But I'm as blue as a summer sky laden with rain clouds, now that Mother has returned home to North Carolina. There was just so little time to do everything I wanted to do while she was here. Things I wanted to talk about, that I never got around to saying and now that she's gone, I feel a little empty. As if part of me was on the plane that took her home. I guess I didn't realize how lonely I really am, coming home each night to just KC, a tempermental cat, and some aquarium fish. It's enough to make me cry.

But crying has never given me anything much more than a really bad headache, so I'm opting to hold off on the floodgates for now. Besides, the rain outside hasn't shown signs of stopping anytime soon, and I would hate to be responsible for flooding New York state. Maybe later I'll consider crying a small river.

"To a heart formed for friendship and affection the charms of solitude are very short-lived." ~ Fanny Burney, Cecilia (1782)

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