Even the best of intentions may sometimes go awry. Usually I do finish what I start (eventually), and I had planned yesterday to finish the FYII post, an indepth perspective of nature vs. nurture, and the affects of "everybody else is screwed up-ism", as it relates to my life ... BUT, it didn't happen, and most likely it won't happen today either. Welcome to today's Blog entitled, "Fanning the Flames of Disappointment", where nobody goes home happy.

Speaking of home, I'm not planning on leaving mine today. It may be Monday, but I decided that after losing my chance, once again, at winning over a million bucks with the state lottery, I am much too depressed to drag my sorry carcas into work. Now that I think about it, I may not go in tomorrow either.

OK, I have to be truthful ... I've actually got an appointment to be abducted by aliens today, but it's standing room only, so I have to make sure I'm available. And if you're still not buying 2 of my Top Ten Reasons Why I Am NOT Going to Work Today, then try this one on for size. I'm sicker than a dog, even though it's the middle of freaking June, (for Pete's sake) and as any Journal of American Colds and Sicknesses can prove, summer colds are far worse than winter colds. Why this is I don't know, it just is. Lord help a girl who suffers from post nasal drip.

So now I wait, until the time rolls around when I can call into work and break the hearts of my fellow co-workers with the knowledge, that I will indeed be absent today. I've got a little twinge of guilt playing hopskotch in the back of my mind, but as I'm sure I'll get over it, I'll heed Bobby McFerin's advice of "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Of course, my tag line will actually read, "I'm sicky, No worky ... Someone please call the blue folder customer on my desk and confirm his job with him ... Thank you, uh, thank you very much." (Elvis and Bobby McFerin, now that would have been an interesting combo ... Shake, fries and hamburger for free.)

Ugh, the nausea is kicking back in and I don't have any crackers, gingerale or a bowl of chicken noodle soup anywhere in sight! Woe is me ... I'm a complete baby when I'm feeling ill.

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