Lazy Sunday in the Sun

Today has been full of the usual chores ... Laundry, dishes, vacuuming and if I make it to the bottom of the list, dusting. Not on the usual list was bathing of the cats. Something that is undertaken with a wee bit of terror (on my part) and a whole lot of screeching (on Octavia's part) and a hurry up and get this over with look (on Emma's part) and a but I want to help give the cats a bath (on KC's part) and a I just want to get through this completely unscathed (on my part) ...

And other than one major scratch, thanks to Octavia the kitten of doom, it wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be. But this only because Emma makes giving a cat a bath look easy. And it is, with her ... She's been getting baths since the very first day I brought her home and though it's quite obvious she isn't thrilled with the idea, she's the only cat I've ever known to sit patiently beneath the tub's spicket as water pours over her. Tavi on the other hand was playing like MacGyver doing everything and anything to get out of the sink and on to freedom.

Thankfully now that the cats spa treatment is done and over with, I can now get on to the getting on with my day and get into the shower in order to get out of the house and down the roads to Dad's, where I plan on spending the rest of the afternoon - dusting done or not - in the pool, soaking up some sun and doing a bit of fluff reading while reclining on the floaty thing ...

Sigh ... Some days it doesn't take much to please me at all.

1 comment:

Orbling said...

If Octavia was being that much trouble, I think I might have opted to take her with me and show her the pool - once she had been dunked in that, she might be more cooperative with the whole bath thing. ;)

Good effort on your part though, sounds like a real trial.

The rest of the day sounds very relaxing, I used to quite like floaty things, especially on the seas, though it's a bit scary if you manage to floaty yourself out too far from shore. ;)

My day was mainly spent explaining to my nan the virtues of taxation and where we would be without it. It was hard going. :S

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