To Be Continued ...

Busy, busy morning ahead of me. Well, really a busy, busy day. Meeting up with Bren this morning to bustle all of the kiddies to the movies to see Madagascar and then tonight a little relay for life walking beneath the stars. And if I had to take a guess, I'd say there's going to be a lot of random silliness inbetween.

But for now I'm all about a quick, cold shower, eating a bagel for breakfast and hitting the open road with the windows down and the sunroof open. Not a problem for a girl whose bad hair days far out number her good hair days ...

So to all of you out there in this great big somewhere, think happy thoughts and smile, smile, smile ...


KC said...

I have a marble sized blister on the back of my right heel and it hu-hu-hurts!

I am so happy to see my bed ... Oh bed!

Orbling said...

Well if I take Bren's comment as a guide, I guess the walk went constructively. ;) (Or possibly destructively....)

Good thing to do, well done for that, both of you. *claps*

Let me know how Madagascar was, as I'll go and see that in a couple of weeks when it's released. The trailers looked funny, but couldn't tell if it'd be executed well or not. :S

Hmm, I had a bagel for breakfast too, very nice. :)

Great big somewhere out there, had a dream regarding that last night... Keep smiling. :D

Orbling said...

For no reason whatsoever, I have a marble sized blister on the back of my left heel - I haven't even done much walking, maybe 5 miles...

Are you supposed to have a matching pair? I didn't need to share half'n'half on this... ;)

Point noted Bren, cheers - I'll see it anyhow, good to have a heads up though. Hate anti-climaxs.

KC said...

Will you two go to bed ... I'm trying to sleep!

Or not as it is ... I just tiptoed downstairs and made me a smoothy of sorts ...

Heh heh heh ... :)

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