Places To Call Home ...

Some people love the ocean. Love walking between the sand and surf with bare toes. Some people love the city. The sound of traffic and life moving at a frantic pace. Some people love the country. Love watching the stars in a clear, black sky with silence as their only backdrop. But me, I love the mountains most. The way the earth smells of pine and moss. The blueness of the mountains at twilight. The sound of a loon carrying across the water. The slow lap of the tide on a narrow stretch of sandbar. When I am there, I am home. And a smile lights on my face like no other smile can. And I am always loathe to leave on my downward trek to the valley.


Orbling said...

It is truly beautiful in the mountains. I remember a time in Switzerland once, when I was staying high up above Geneva, below the snow level (it was summer), but way above the cloud level.

Result: wake up, walk on to balcony and watch the clouds blow past way beneath you - almost ethereal experience.

Coyote Girl said...

Having never seen the soaring peaks of the Alps of the craggy tops of the Rockies, I can only tell you the song of the Adirondacks - very, very old mountains, gently rounded by ice and wind and rain. Although I now live many miles away from my Adirondack home, they continue to surround me and ground me - they are part of me and when I think of home, I think of the foothill mountains viewable from my bedroom window, hikes with friends of long ago, canoeing in the rivers that slither and slice through their regal presence and camping with my kids - firelight, fireflies and dreams....
Their history is one of fortitude standing the test of time....
I remain,as I hope they will always be,forever wild.
You share the wonder...

Amy S. Petrik said...

hey friend, it's been about 24 days since i read anyone's blogs. sorry about that. i was you know preoccupied with my trip to calif. and other personal crap going on. i've missed your witty blogging though!!! and two weeks ago i was walking and swimming in the ocean. i felt one with the sea. literally. home at my mom's for the night. got a good check up with a brand new doctor who literally took 3 full hours of his own time to LISTEN and check me out. and he's treating me how a doctor should. anyways, just wanted to say hi and all that groovy stuff! have a good weekend, peace out, amy

KC said...

Hmmm ... I don't think I'd mind that view at all.

Mom ... Wondering why you don't post on your own blog anymore when your comment clearly shows you have need of a creative outlet. Cough, cough, cough ...

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