I do not care how the weather is anywhere else but where I am.

I don't know why my Weather Man is under the impression that on a need to know basis, it has become his duty to inform me when it is windy in Chicago, raining in Seattle, or hot and sunny down in Miami Beach, when the only thing that concerns me is whether or not I am going to be freezing my own ass off today.

It's 45 degrees here, cloudy skies and not much hope of seeing any sun, with perhaps snow flurries to be seen later on in the week.

But my weather is not your weather, which you gives you every right not to care about whether or not my outer extremities fall off from the cold, or if my car doors are frozen shut in the morning when I am attempting to leave for work.

So I will not talk about the weather, a dull and boring topic to be sure, and one only brought up in conversation when there really is nothing much else to say. And I have lots to say.

Some people would say that I should say less and not yap my mouth so much. But I think, that if I were to be quiet, they would miss my constant chatter, and after a while silence would seize to be quite so golden.

This could be just my opinion, a somewhat over-inflated sense of self, that I think is true, because I would miss me if I didn't have a voice ... And I think, you would miss me too.

So pardon me, if I don't ask you about the weather.

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