I forgot to list the things I am thankful for yesterday, so despite being a day late though not a dollar short - since I'm not stupid enough to attempt any sort of shopping today - here they are ... And as usual in random order.

I am thankful for ...

My family ... Even though upon occasion I would like to move very far, far away from all of them.

My friends ... Even the ones who send me forwarded emails, creepy text messages, and ignore me from time to time.

My car ... On it's last legs, it just keeps going and going. Even though I know I don't change its oil often enough, and the engine light has been on for the last 6 months, it forgives me enough not to have broken down to the point where I've ever been left stranded on the side of the road.

My cat ... Considering my impending spinster status, is it any surprise that my cat deserves a round of applause for tolerating me while I cry all over her fur? This would be funny, if it weren't true.

My blog ... Because even when no one else wanted to hear another word, you were always there, a blank page waiting for me to fill. I've typed much, learned little, but at least now have a record of proof that I spend entirely too much time staring at my computer.

And my last round of thanks goes to you, the few regular readers that continually come back for more despite the fact that there are some days - ok most days - where even I know I am boring you to sleep. But thanks ...

And to show my appreciation, I won't even mention that you never leave me any comments though it's fairly easy to do. That would be trite of me to mention, and I am almost never trite.

But alas, that would be the end of my short list of thanks. I have much to do today with Mom's impending arrival this evening. Cleaning an entire house in one day should prove interesting.

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