So what did Stacey get for her birthday? I hear it's what inquiring minds want to know ...

Perhaps a short list is in order.

Stacey's Birthday Gifts (in order as received)

1. Tori Amos, Tales of a Librarian thanks to my friend Mike who knows no birthday of mine would be complete without getting the new Tori release. I love Snow Cherries From France!

2. Sarah McLachlan, Afterglow courtesy of my sister Amy, Jen, Jamie and Jordan.

3. Elizabeth Berg, Talk Before Sleep. This tear jerker came from Dad, Becky and KC, thanks to their convenient use of my Wishlist. Way to go people!

4. $25.00 gift certificate and membership to the all exclusive Barnes and Noble book discounting club. Can we say Holy Grail?
Credit to sister's Jodi and Audrey for their thoughtfulness. (Although I think they were responsible for providing the idea rather than the fundage since college students aren't reputed to be in possession of too much cash.)

5. Present from Mom currently waiting to be in transit from North Carolina to New York, courtesy of Mom herself ... Which for brownie points alone, is the best gift this year that I can think of.

(It should be noted that while I love shopping at Bernes and Noble, most of my links are courtesy of Amazon. A site I think is much easier to get around and more catered to the things I like. Like you really wanted to know ... Right?)

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