A Letter From Mom

---Original Message---
From: Nancy[mailto:YourMother@eservice.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:35 AM
To: Stacey

Hi - You may not remember me, but just thought I'd touch bases with you ... Remember ... You and KC were going to call???? I would like to hear about your holiday other than in blog form ... By the way, Brooks is an interesting character ...


PS Glad Squiggy is still swimming in his world ...

PSS Happy New Year. Any plans for the evening? Any new year resolutions?


From: Stacey
Sent Wednesday, December 31, 2003 7:52 AM
To: Nancy - "Mom"
Subject: RE:

Dear Mom ~

I've recently taken a vow of silence. I have not spoken to anyone in days, which is actually easy to do as service to my phone has been out since the day after Christmas when a freak natural disaster hit our area. I would have used my cell phone, but I lost it. And then when I found it, there was no money on it to make a call. I think KC called Tokyo or something of the like and used up all my minutes.

As for plans for the New Year they are nonexistent, although I do have some resolutions which are as follows:

1. Get rich ... Really, really rich.
2. Meet nice man. Limited issues a must.
3. Train cat to clean out litter.
4. Swim with sharks and not get eaten.
5. Get along with family ... Or move very far away from all of them.
6. Eat more fruit.
7. Realize that blogging in no way makes up for actual conversations/communication with loved ones.
8. Watch more British movies, preferably with Colin Firth (MoMD) in leading role.
9. Play monopoly without cheating.
10. Stop sticking my tongue out at strangers.

As for serious resolutions, I don't really have any just yet. I'll need a little more time to figure those ones out before the ball falls tonight.

We love you.


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