Well Mom just left and I am sitting here a little worse for wear.

Once again I am completely miserable to see her go and wave her on her way as I think about all the things we still didn't get to do this short visit up.

But that is how it goes.

At least that is what I'm telling myself, since I've never been able to understand why she relocated herself to North Carolina, a place where she has absolutely no ties and no family to speak of, other than a husband who doesn't like the cold.

I suppose that should be a good enough reason. But to a daughter, it really isn't. The sensible side of me knows that she is entitled to her own life, wherever it is she chooses to be. But the selfish me wishes she were closer, no more than an hour or two away, so there didn't always have to be some grand plan to find the time to get together.

I guess I just can't help it. No matter how old I get, there's still a little girl who really just misses her Mom.

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